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Welcome! My name is Beckah...

Me in a nutshell:


I am a child of God's. A sinner saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I have not always made the best decisions, I have stumbled, and I have fallen flat on my face. Despite my many slips and falls, my failures and my insecurities, I am loved. God sees past my imperfections and flaws and continues to love me, forgive me, and accept me for who I am. He has carried me through my trials and has stood by my side through my darkest moments. I am trying my best to live for Him and to be the woman He has created me to be.


I am a wife to my handsome hubby. Together we have 3 gorgeous little boys; Boogs, Nugget, and K-man (or Slim Jim, Beefcake, and Meatball, take your pick). Hubby and I met at age 14 and have been best friends ever since. I am a mom trying my hardest to raise my boys to be Godly men that love Jesus with all their hearts. I take my responsibility as a mom very seriously. I was blessed with 3 beautiful gifts from God, and I know that one day I must hand them back over to God. I am beyond grateful for the chance I have been given to be their mommy. I have always adored children and would love to one day adopt or work with children in need.


My parenting style tends to be on the "attached" side. It feels so natural to me, and I have only in the past 2 years learned that what I was doing as a mom, had a style name. I have an extreme passion for natural child birth as well. There is nothing more incredible then the moment a child enters the world and the feeling you get when they first place your baby in your arms. I have been blessed enough to have 3 amazing birth experiences and I love to share those stories with others, and encourage them that they can have just as awesome of an experience.Despite how I parent, I won't throw my own opinions or beliefs on other people. I may parent one way, but I have many friends who parent differently and I respect them all the same.


Ever since I can remember I have loved taking pictures. Growing up I invested way too much money in disposable cameras. I just love capturing memories and being able to hold on to them. After having Boogs I realized just how quickly time passes, and how fleeting those precious moments are and I could not take enough pictures. To say I have love photography is an understatement for sure. I have so much to learn and I love soaking up anything I can about the art.


I also love crafting. I love creating things and being able to watch a vision come to life. The past few years I have taken up sewing and I love it. I am still starting out and learning, but I love it and enjoy relaxing and sewing up things for the boys or friends.


Hope you enjoy reading the random ramblings of a SAHM! Don't forget to comment and let me know you stopped by :)


Tiffany Franklin said...

sounds great!!

Jenny said...

I loved reading this and getting to know more about you! I know we have quite a few mutual friends on facebook and I think they stem from xanga as well. :)