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Where to begin?

I really want to get back into blogging. It was a huge part of my life during my pregnancy with Boogs and the first 2 years of his life. I love being able to go back and read through little memories. It's almost like an online scrapbook of our lives. I miss it, so I am giving it another go around. Life with 3 little boys can be challenging, but it is beyond fun, and I want to document it all. The good, the bad, the fun, the crazy ness, the joy, the sorrow, and the excitement.

So here I am, (debating whether here is spelled "hear" or "here"). Just one of the many signs of my recent sleep deprivation. I can't blame it on the baby. He is actually sleeping pretty well for the most part. Me, on the other hand, well I am a different story.

I am currently enjoying a little downtime between breakfast and lunch, snuggling K-man while his big brothers color. Today I have doctor appointments for K and Boogs. K has his 2 month well baby visit and I am excited to see how much he has grown since his arrival just a little over 2 months ago. Boogs is having a follow up to see how his new asthma medicine is working for him. Hopefully his lungs are improving and he is having an easier time breathing. The past week and a half or so, Boogs has been complaining of tummy aches and feeling sick quite often. He has not been eating near as much and has randomly thrown up a few different times. I have no idea what is going on, but I plan to bring it up to the doctor today and see what she thinks could be the problem. I am thinking keeping a food diary would be a good idea to see if I can narrow it down to something he is eating. Hopefully it ends soon.

My mind is running with things I need to accomplish this next week. Between birthday parties, playdates, doctors, sewing, photo shoots, cleaning and church, I don't foresee much free time. I am trying to find time to squeeze in workouts, but that can be difficult when cuddling a baby just is so much more appealing.

Well it's time to wrap it up. K is done nursing and it's time for showers and to get us all ready for the doctors. Have a wonderful weekend!

Back from the doctors...

K-man (2 months)-11lbs 15oz * 23 1/2in.
Boogs (5yrs 4months)- 40.5lbs, he FINALLY hit 40lbs!
Nugget (2yrs 8 months)- 30.5lbs

1 comment:

Kasey said...

YAY for hitting the 40lb mark! Hoping at least one of mine has finally hit that mark. I think I'm raising a couple of jockeys. :P

I'm so glad you're blogging again. Don't let this go and forget about it! I enjoy reading your blog. You're crazy busy and the only one who sits down to pee, like me, and I love it. LOL!

Did you make your graphics? I'd love for you to make a header for me. Ya know, in all that down time you have. Haha!