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Easter is WHEN?

Boy did Easter sneak up on me. I have not gotten the boys outfits, nor have I had the chance to get them anything for Easter yet. I have been so busy getting everything ready for the photoshoot that I have a lot of catching up to do. My poor washing machine is going to be getting a serious workout this week. It is also that time of year for some spring cleaning to change out wardrobes and do some de-cluttering.

The Casting Call went wonderfully! I was so excited to see all the adorable children modeling the things I have been working so hard on. I thought it went well. I was lucky enough to have my sweet friend Jessi bring me donuts and a Coolata, which made my day. It is so nice to have thoughtful friends.

Today was our church Easter egg hunt, and with the weather on/off raining I didn't even get my camera out of the car. The boys had a wonderful time though, and I did as well.

I am not sure if I previously mentioned Boogs belly issues, but after talking in depth with his doctor we have decided to see an allergist and a GI specialist to see if we can figure out what is going on. The Doctor had wanted me to take him to see the allergist anyway in regards to getting his asthma better controlled. It's been flaring up really badly and he once again has a horrible cough. Poor boy just can't seem to catch a break.

I wanted to share a few of my favorite things I made for the casting call so here are a few pictures...

Ruffle Shirt
Another Ruffle Shirt
Grow With Me Dress (goes from Dress to Tank to Skirt)
Ruffle Pants


Anonymous said...

Beckah .. i love love loveeee the "grow with me" dress ... it's soooo cute. well, everything you made is so adorable! you are so talented!! (: I agree this morning i was thinking that Easter came sooo fast this year!!

... I hope Boogs feels better and you figure out what's going on, praying for you all !!

Tiffany Franklin said...

I love all these. I need to get into crafts more but so busy all the time!