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Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating the resurrection of our Lord. After church, we headed to my sister's house to spend the day with them (after briefly stopping home for some pictures of my handsome crew). Dinner was delicious and the boys had a great time with their cousins.

I have some pictures of my precious family, so here they are...

My handsome boys

My beautiful family

My boys with my niece and nephew

I will post another blog tomorrow, I am exhausted.

P.S...if anyone knows how to center my text, please let me know.


Kasey said...

Goodness, you have some handsome boys! Love them! I want to eat up K-Man. :)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful family! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
You may have already figured this out, but you can highlight the text you want centered and click the center text button on the toolbar above where you write your post. It's right next to the numbering button an when you mouse over it, it says "alignment."
Hope that makes sense!