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Sewing, sewing, sewing, and a playdate!

I am (mostly) really enjoying all the sewing I have been doing lately to get ready for the Photo shoot I am planning for thursday. It has been a lot of work, and finding the time is not always easy with 3 kids to care for. The hubby has been a great help when he gets home though, so I have had some time in the evenings to get some more done. I am very excited for the actual shoot so I can see how all my hard work has come together.

I took a much needed break today for a playdate with some friends. I had such a wonderful time connecting with other mom's and having some mama to mama talks. I had Boogs pretty young, and for a while I didn't have any friends with children, which led me to feel very alone. Now that I have friends who are also becoming parents, I have really been enjoying making new mom friends. I love the stage of life I am in. I often wish I could freeze time where I am now. Each one of my boys is at such a fun age. Boogs is so inquisitive, and I love listening to the questions he comes up with and seeing how incredible his little mind is. Nugget is holding conversations with me and turning more from toddler to preschooler and he just seems to be growing a mile a minute. K-man is in his sweet baby stage (although REALLY struggling with reflux) and I adore his little smiles and coos. I know God has so much more in store for my life though so I look forward to each new day.

I better get to bed so I can see what's in store for tomorrow ;).


Kasey said...

I was just telling Robbie yesterday that the boys are all at such a fun age. He asked, "Have you ever thought they weren't at a fun age?" Probably not. :)

Glad you got out and had a great time with some mommy friends. Can't wait to see how your pics come out, especially with all the hard work you've put into the sewing!

I loved them first said...

Kasey... Nathan always says the same thing to me, lol.